Saturday, December 20, 2008

Just Cause?

19 years ago today, on Dec. 20th, 1989, the US invaded Panama (Operation Just Cause.) The cause was probably not so just, but the question of whether the invasion was good for Panama is more complicated. With almost 20 years of hindsight, I think that Panama is probably better off than it would have been, under Noriega or his successor. Today Panama has one of the strongest democracies in Central and South America, as well as one of the fastest growing economies. Living down here, I can see evidence of recent change and development all around me, and it's hard to imagine what the country was like even 10 years ago. With the US military presence gone, and the Canal fully under Panamanian control, Panamanians seem to harbor very few negative feelings toward the US. Even fewer have good memories of the Noriega years. While Omar Torrijos maybe celebrated as a hero and benevolent dictator, there are no such feelings for Noriega.

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