Saturday, November 15, 2008

Tour of the town

The town church which is near the school and is the only other community building in town.

One of the many stream crossings in town. This is the one closest to my house that I cross every day.

My house where I'm living for my first month.

One of the many chorros, or waterfalls in the town. This one is about 6 feet tall. I'm told there is a waterfall that is 30 feet tall near my house, but I have yet to find it.

This is the school building, and the "center" of town. About 40 students attend the school for grades 1-6. The school is one of the only concrete structures in town and serves as the meeting spot for all community wide events. Its also the only place in town with electricity, and has a television for the community to use.

A beautiful spot in town, and an example of the landscape.

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