Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Culecos, Tipico, Polleras, and Samba

After a breakfast of sancocho (Panamanian chicken soup,) we'd head out to the culecos. The culecos were nothing more than a large tanker truck filled with water of questionable origin that was sprayed continuously over the crowd while the crowd danced to music from a nearby stage. Most of these culecos were sponsored by local and national politicians. The culeco that you attended revealed your political leanings.

Our group. My wise and mature regional leader is on the far left.

A Panamanian dancer in a tradition pollera.

The Cucuá dancers from San Miguel Centro (near my site.) I may get a chance to see them perform again this weekend.

One of the queens of the samba parade.


Betcha didn't know that Penonomé is the Geographic Center of Panamá. Well it is. This stone says so. We will ignore the fact that they are currently in the process of moving the geographic center of Panamá 3 miles down the road. In our hearts this will always be the geographic center of Panamá.

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