Saturday, December 20, 2008

New House, New Family

A couple of weeks ago, I switched houses as part of my genius plan to get to know the community. My new house is on the other side of town, and roughly an hour walk from my old house. In fact, you already know my new family because I lived with them during my site visit. So here is a re-introduction:

This is the family.

And this is the house (compound.) The second floor of the house has the bedrooms, while the 2 panka (grass) roof houses to the left (only 1 is visible) are the living room and kitchen.

This is Yadi (pronounced Jadi,) the oldest of the kids. In this picture, she's practicing the traditional method of removing the rice husks. There's nothing complicated about it, you just pound the rice with that heavy club until the husks break open.

This is Sultan, the king of Quebrada Grande. Here he is seen ruling over two of his subjects (the pigs.) It should also be noted that the pigs...ahem..."huevos" have since disappeared with a little assistance from my Leatherman.

Two of the newest family members. These gansitos (baby geese) are a couple of weeks old now.

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