So we got to visit our future sites this week for 5 and half days, and to tell the truth I´m still processing the visit, so you´ll all have to check back here in about a week to find out what I´m thinking. Initial impressions: isolate, beautiful, and muddy.
One of my community counterparts (José) and his family who hosted my stay this week. I won´t be living with his family during my first 3 months, but I will be working with him in the future.

José standing in front of a large tree.

My sole connection to the outside world, the public phone. Thats the satelitte dish to the right.

My community is down below, before the mountain range.

My first toucan sighting! This one is a pet of the families in my community.

More of the jungle.
1 comment:
You know if you get yourself a toucan then I bet you can have fruit loops every morning while you're in Panama. You just have to follow his nose. Ha!
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